Beingness within your Humanness
The Nature Angels have chosen the bougainvillea plant for their message this week. This plant does not grow in the Northeast where I live. It needs the warmer temperatures.
The first time I saw this plant was while visiting in Florida. I didn't realize how tall they can grow. When I was in Greece, these plants grew up as tall as a two-story building. I guess they can keep growing as long as there's something to support and anchor them. I did look it up and learned that they can grow as tall as 30 feet.
Here is the message from the Nature Angels regarding this amazing plant:

Hello most beautiful human beings,
For anyone who knows this plant, you know they do come in many different colors. We chose this one for the beautiful shade of violet that it is. This and also because the beautiful green leaves.
It is true that we usually focus on one flower close up, to work with your energy and to create a shift in your consciousness but this beautiful plant also brings you much healing.
We give this flower to you a few days before your Thanksgiving in America so that you can be more relaxed during this holiday. If you live in a country where you do not celebrate, it is still okay because this image floods you with connecting with your own higher consciousness and grounding with Mother Earth.
This is what you need most, to be both grounded to the Earth and also connected to your own Higher Self, to your intuition and to feel your connectedness with all of humanity even as you are an individual flower on this planet.
We ask that you look at this image and say:
I am part of all that is, I am no better or no worse than anyone else. I connect with the heart of Earth and with my knowing that I am a beautiful flower of creation in this world. I allow myself to blossom and share my presence with this Earth as the person who I truly am. The more I connect with my own divinity, the more I can do this.
Wow! that was a beautiful message from the Nature Angels!
I took a plant class a few days ago and the instructor shared how the word human comes the Latin word humanus, a derivative from the word homo, meaning of man, of people, and from the word humus.
The word humus means earth or ground. We come from this Earth. We are of this earth. We are meant to ground with this earth. And as I'm sure most of us have heard, we come from this earth, and we will return to this earth.
Then the second word of human being.... being.
You hear the phrases, let it be, be mindful, be present, be in the moment, just be.
Be in the state of beingness.
Feel the way your body feels. Beingness means knowing that you exist. The breath always helps connects you. Exist in the world knowing you are part of the world, part of this Earth.
We are here to experience life's ups and downs. The more we have an understanding of this, the more we can enjoy the ups a little longer and experience the downs with less intensity and for shorter periods of time.
While I spent most of my time on the island of Kos, we did have a layover in Athens for a number of hours. My friend and I went to the Acropolis where the Parthenon is, as well as many other ancient structures. It was a very crowded, touristy attraction with hundreds of people. There was an assembly line to walk up and down the marble stairs much like any other popular attraction.
While we were there on the upper level, we happened to see this couple. With all the busyness of all the people around them, they were able to meditate, in the state of being. In the photo, you can see how big the city of Athens is.

At this busy time of year when the holidays can become overwhelming, take time to pause and connect with the Earth, take a deep belly breath, let it out slowly and just be. This will help center you. This will help calm you.
For all of you who celebrate Thanksgiving, I am wishing you a beautiful holiday where you can be in the moment and enjoy each other's company.
It is a matter of clearing many old beliefs, programmings, sadness, anger, frustration, in order to really be able to truly love yourself and connect with your own Higher Self. If you need help in doing this, please reach out to me. It is your birthright to live a happy life on this planet.
I love my bougainvillea. In coastal NC we can only grow them in pots. I just trimmed mine back and housed it inside for the winter. I'll think of this message as I enjoy their beauty.