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Writer's pictureKaren Crehan

Connect with your soul.

The African daisy comes in so many different colors and color combinations. The Nature Angels chose one that is a solid orange color.

This beautiful plant makes many buds over the summer months.  If you look closely at this photo, you will see a few of the dried-up flowers behind it.

The Nature Angels would like to talk about the flowers that have finished and the one that is opened right now. Here is what they would like to share with you:

Hello most beautiful, creative soul, 

Yes, you may have noticed that we had addressed your soul, instead of your human being-ness.

Your soul came to this beautiful planet to create many different types of experiences. We asked that you look at the spent flowers behind the open blossom and realize that these represent some of the previous things that you have experienced in this lifetime.  Please think of this:

This is the only time you will ever be this version of yourself.

We ask that you repeat this phrase by saying:

This is the only time I will ever be this version of myself.

and let it sink in.

Whether you are a parent with young children, a grandparent who are noticing some new wrinkles, or anywhere in between, this is the only time you will be experiencing exactly this moment. 

When you realize this, you can either relish the moment or if you're going through a bad time, you can realize that this too shall pass. 

Your soul knows this. So, we are asking that as you look at this flower to connect with your soul and let it remind you that everything in this life is fleeting and anything you experience is there for you to help you to keep learning and growing.

Please look at this beautiful flower photo and feel yourself being drawn into the center. The more you gaze into the center of the flower, the more you will connect with your soul.

Please say:

I connect with my soul, and I realize that I am a magnificent creation. I realize that creating is not just the act of making a physical thing. It is also creating life experiences, relationships, even how I think.

I realize that this life of mine is precious and sacred and with this understanding, I choose to create the best version of myself. I ask my soul to guide me whenever I need some coaxing.


Wow, that was a different message from the Nature Angels, asking us to connect with our soul. It is so true when they said that we create our thoughts. When we realize that we are the ones in charge of what we create, we can change our thoughts, have a different mindset and this will give us a different perspective on things. 

This realization can be empowering if you let it. Let go of all of the worry, and past thoughts that no longer are relevant.  If a past thought is persistent, it is there for a reason. It is telling you that there is something unresolved that you have to still work through to heal it and let it go. 

Honor yourself so you can be the best version of yourself, bright, beautiful and open just like this flower.

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