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Divine Masculine Energy

Writer: Karen CrehanKaren Crehan

Each of the perennial flowers has its season and a few weeks of beautiful blossoms.  Right now, there was an abundance of irises blooming as well as peony flowers. I was wondering which one the Nature Angels would guide me to work with this week.

The peonies have huge blossoms with beautiful pink colors that bring in the Divine Mother energy. Many of the irises are a beautiful violet purple which connect us with the energy of violet fire, the violet flame of transformation, that is connected with our crown chakra.

I have many different irises in white, various shades of purple as well as dual tones growing in my garden. The Nature Angel chose a very pale yellow one for their message this week. Here is what they would like to share with us:

Hello, most lovely and powerful human beings, 

Irises do come in a number of different colors and color combinations as well as different sizes.  

We chose this flower for this week's message because we want to bring in an energy that is somewhat gentle yet still masculine.  This iris brings in the energy of the Divine masculine.

We asked that you look at this flower and imagine that the petals are bringing you in for an embrace. For many cultures, men hugging other men has been avoided. A pat on the back or a handshake is acceptable. A man hugging a woman can also be misinterpreted. 


The Divine masculine energy is very much out of alignment right now. We asked that whether you are a human in a male or female body that you connect with the Divine masculine energy that is within you.

Both the feminine and the masculine energy need to be in balance within you in order to be able to create something wonderful, something that your heart truly desires.

The two parts of yourself need to work together in a beautiful harmony. The "me" that is the feminine, and the "I" that is the masculine need to connect and be in unison.

We ask that you look at this flower photo and feel the powerful energy coming from it.  There is a strength in the gentleness of the Divine masculine energy.  Let yourself feel this energy and say:

I allow myself to be embraced by the Divine masculine energy. I let myself melt into this flower image and receive this hug fully and for as long as I need it. I am nurtured by this loving energy and fill up with it until I feel completely and fully supported by the Divine Father.


What a great message from the Nature Angels!  Usually, I think that men need to be more in touch with their feminine energy, but their male energy needs the Divine masculine energy to help the Divine feminine create a beautiful world.

It may seem to be hard to connect with the Divine masculine, even for a woman. Many of us have a warped view of the masculine energy, with the notion it should be tough, strong and sometimes aggressive, ready to fight. 

Finding the balance can seem like a challenge. This beautiful iris is both soft and powerful. With this photo image, I ask that you notice the darker yellow fuzzy part known as the beard of the iris. Often, we think that wise men have beards. Let this flower connect you with the wisdom of the Divine masculine.  Let yourself feel centered in it.


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