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Writer's pictureKaren Crehan

Fibonacci sequence

The Nature Angels chose to use the sunflower this week to talk about the Fibonacci sequence. There is so much to be said about the Fibonacci sequence and I think any mathematician would most likely love to tell you all the different areas in nature and in the universe that this sequence exists.

If you are unfamiliar with the Fibonacci sequence, it is numbers that are in a geometrical proportion. This sequence of numbers is created with a formula where each number is equal to the sum of the two preceding numbers. They begin at 0 and then the sequence begins with 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 and on to infinity. 

You can find patterns that reflect the Fibonacci sequence everywhere in nature, the petals on flowers, the branching in trees, the arrangement of leaves on a stem, the fruit sprouts of a pineapple, the flowering of an artichoke, a pinecone, seashells, sea life, and within the honeybee colonies. 

These particular growth patterns have evolved to become the most effective means for not just surviving but thriving. For example, in plants, the sequence allows the maximum exposure for sunlight or optimal space for seed arrangement.

When you look at the center of this sunflower, you may think that it looks a little bit asymmetrical. But this is because some of the spirals go in a clockwise direction, and some go in a counterclockwise direction.

If you count the spirals, you might notice that you can count either 21 spirals clockwise and 34 spirals counterclockwise, or 34 spirals clockwise and 55 spirals counterclockwise. This special arrangement helps sunflowers pack in as many seeds as possible and makes sure they have plenty of room to grow and reproduce.

There is so much more to this mathematical equation, but the Nature Angels would like to steer away from the logical and return to the natural. Here is what they would like to say about this amazing flower:

Hello most inquisitive human beings,

Whether you excelled in math, or it was your least favorite subject, we are sure you can appreciate nature.

Everything in nature starts with a building block. These building blocks are designed to help all life have optimal conditions to assure successful growth, reproduction and continuation of survival. It is true that the Fibonacci sequence is one of these building blocks. 

Humans love to make discoveries.  You want to understand so much. Sometimes scientists want to try to improve on nature. But then they will often use nature in their designs. It is a like a symbiotic relationship.

You may have heard the expression, survival of the fittest. Humans often think that bigger is better. But we want to emphasize that sometimes the lowest numbers provide optimal mobility, flexibility, balanced with strength and coordination. Your human bodies are incredible creations and sometimes you need to make discoveries to confirm this. 

This is why scientist seek to understand about your DNA and all the different aspects of it. And some scientists seek the larger outer reality of finding the patterns in the Universe, the Cosmos. 

You probably have heard that your human body is a Universe in itself. You may have a mathematic or scientific mind, or you may live in your creative brain but you are all part of the whole. 

Please look at this flower and say,

I am one of the many parts of the whole.  My path is unique to me. I am a marvelous creation here to learn, grow and expand. All the discoveries help me to broaden my thinking even more, whether through the scientific discoveries or by understanding the spiritual aspect of my existence.

I have the understanding that I have learned so much but that there is so much more still to come. I open myself to trusting in the mysteries of the Universe. Just as this flower illustrates the abundant possibilities for more flowers, I am also full of potential.  I understand that my existence here on planet Earth has strong and supportive building blocks and I am surrounded and supported by Creation itself. 


That was a great message from the Nature Angels!  I love how they say we are supported by Creation. For me that means Creator, God.

The Fibonacci sequence is also found throughout our human structure. We are part of nature.

When you look at our human design, you see that most of our body parts follow the numbers one, two, three and five. One nose, two eyes, three segments to each limb, five fingers and toes. 

This pattern is also found on the molecular level.  For example, the DNA molecules follow this sequence of measurement, measuring 34 angstroms long and 21 angstroms wide for each complete double helix.  

I know what the double helix is, but I had to look up angstroms.  It is a unit of measurement equal to one hundred-millionth of a centimeter. It is mind blowing to me to try to comprehend something so small. 

Our existence is so amazing.  We are incredible creations of God, and we are part of this vast Universe. Pause for a moment to honor this physical body. Let yourself realize the grandeur of all there is and marvel in the fact that we are a part of it.

If you need help with feeling like you are part on Oneness or need help loving yourself, please reach out to me.  With the help of the Angels and Guides, we can help you realize that you are part of the wholeness, and that you are so loved.

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