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Writer's pictureKaren Crehan

Live each day to the fullest

The triple petal lily is such a beautiful flower! This amazing plant is a daylily whose blossom opens fully in one day and then the flower drops off by the next day. Each plant does have several more flower buds waiting to bloom so you do get to experience their beauty over several days.

This plant brings us the message to live life to the fullest each day. Take the opportunity when it presents itself to you because it may be gone tomorrow. 

Sometimes our lives can seem like one day just runs into the next. We count how many workdays until our next day off. We try to jam everything into the weekends or if we are too exhausted, we use the weekend to recharge our batteries. But is that living? Going back to the same place that has made us feel exhausted in the first place? It isn't easy being human.  If we feel like we are in a rut, it is because we need a change.

But how can we change our perspective and get out of a set routine? We continue with what we do because there is a sense a security and safety that keeps us there. Usually, it is not until we get a big push before we actually decide to change anything. We may be thinking that there has to more to life than this.  We have to be willing to explore. 

Our ego wants to keep us safe. It isn't the enemy.  It always wants to take care of us.  It may just not know the best way possible because of all the programming it has received which is now held in the subconscious and the deep subconscious. 

We may have heard different sayings like, don't put off tomorrow what we can do today but we may have to make time in our day to do it.

This is what the Nature Angels would like to say about this topic:

Hello most beautiful human beings!

You do always have a choice but making that choice may be a challenge. There are many different types of daylilies. We chose the triple petal one that grows in Karen's garden not only because of the color but because of the many layers of petals. There are many different layers involved in your human existence. Your life is elaborate.  One thing affects another.

Please look at this flower image and let it work on your subconscious. What words come to your mind when you look at this beauty? What would you say? Joyful? Uplifting? Open? Enthusiastic? Engaging? Energizing? All of these answers are correct and of course there's always others. 

We have said to you that looking at flower images work on your subconscious. One of the easiest ways to change your perspective is to change your scenery. 

It is always great to see new scenery. This is why people go on vacation. But a vacation only lasts so long and then you are back to your current life.  Your mind tells you that you have job security, a good income, it's not so bad but if you wake up every morning not wanting to do this, you are not happy there. 

How can you change your scenery if you are at a job that you have no control over with the scenery?  Perhaps you work in a Home Depot or have a small desk, or are working at a cash register, or drive for a living.

This is where using your imagination comes in. Instead of focusing on anything negative, look for the positive. It is really always about changing in your own attitude.

This may sound simple, but it makes a tremendous difference. You attract to you what you think.  You want to attract to you what charms you, what inspires you, what amuses you, what brings you happiness and pleasure.

You will come across negative people in the world. You cannot change their opinion. You can gently point out a different perspective to them, but if they don't want to hear it, they won't.

Simply say to them, you have your opinion, and I have mine, and then let it go. There is no point in trying to change a steadfast belief of someone else. 

Focus your attention and visualize your life how you would like it to be.  Use this flower image to inspire you. The orange color works on your sacral chakra, your center of creativity and creation. Your sacral chakra is sacred. It is who you truly are and connects to your soul.

Please look at this flower photo and say:

I choose to have a joyful life. I realize that I may have to work for it a little bit. I connect deep within my heart and my Soul for guidance. As I listen and focus on my inner guidance, I trust what I am hearing or feeling. As I become more trusting in the support of my Soul, I create a better life for myself.  I am the co-creator of my reality.


That was a beautiful message from the Nature Angels. The mind has been given the wrong job assignment for far too long. We are meant to follow our heart and trust our intuition, our inner guidance.

Start paying attention to your intuition, your gut feeling, your inner knowing.  If something doesn't feel right, trust it.  Tune into your heart.  For so long, our heart has been misunderstood. There has been so much written about love and the broken heart.  Our heart is the true powerhouse of creating our life. 

Our mind's job is to keep our physical body safe, and the mind also likes to feel secure emotionally and mentally.  We have to guide our mind to trust in more than what we think we know and remind the mind to trust in the heart and Soul. 

Give your mind a job assignment. Ask for it to pay close attention to the synchronicities that happen.  Notice when something seems to come to you so effortlessly.  As you become more observant, your mind sees that it doesn't have to worry as much, it can start relaxing and trusting a little more. 

When you trust in your heart and Soul, you can create what you truly desire more easily. The brain may need to be reminded that it doesn't have to do everything.  This becomes easier as you keep focusing on the positive. Our brains are used to solving things. Direct your brain to focus on the present moment and ask how it can live life to the fullest at that particular moment. Ask it, what would you get most out of the experience?

Give your brain a vacation from thinking too much and listen to your heart. Ask what makes your heart happy? What makes your heart sing? Keep it in the present tense and not about tomorrow or the next day.  If you feel stuck, ask your inner child to help you.

Each day builds the foundation for the new beginning. Listen to your heart.  Focus on your feelings and what makes you feel happy.  Remember when you are happy, you create a vibrational field that attracts more of this energy to you.  Let go of control and expect the unexpected. As you do this, slowly but surely, you create the life you desire. Don't live in the past or in the future. Stay present in your heart, feeling the support of your Soul.

We often think about the future.  If you need help with connecting with your heart and Soul and being present, please reach out to me.  With the help of the Angels and Guides, we can help you connect more fully with trusting in their support and in your inner guidance.

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