Receiving what you need (even if you don’t know it)
Updated: Feb 2, 2023
I had mentioned in the earlier video blog post I shared here, about how I was truly surprise with one of hanging decorations I made. I used 7 big crystals, approximately the size of golf balls and I put near the front entrance inside my house. What a thrill for me when I saw that at a certain time of the year, it makes the most beautiful rainbow display that I can ever imagine! It happens in November and in January (when the sun is rising low on the horizon) and it lasts for a few weeks.
I like to make things out of crystal glass beads and hang in my windows to bring rainbow lights into my home. I buy these beads in all the different colors I can find and in the different sizes they come in. I always like to take advantage of when they are on sale.
A number of years ago, I went to a craft store that I don't normally go to. I was running an errand that brought me to the area. I stopped in to look around and I saw a bag of beads. I thought they were pretty, a combination of earth tones, from sandy brown, to a deep brown to a rich mahogany color and several lovely shades of turquoise. I thought they were loose, individual beads that I could use for some kind of creative project. I bought them and brought them home.
Much to my surprise, when I opened the bag, I saw it was actually a string of mala beads. I didn't have the intention to buy this, I just ended up getting it. I had the brief thought to cut the string and use the beads for some separate projects. Thankfully, I decided against this and just tucked them away in a drawer.
As I have become more aware of the spiritual journey that I choose to be on, I realize that sometimes I need help keeping a positive, uplifting attitude. Sometimes I have troubles meditating. I have a busy mind and I catch it wandering at times and thinking about everything else that is going on in the world while I'm attempting to quiet my mind to meditate. I do understand that this is all part of the meditation, to bring your mind back to the practice, but there are times that I just give up. These mala beads were meant for me to have and to use. It wasn't a conscious purchase. It was something that just happened.
My divine inner child quietly reminded me to use the mala beads. Feeling the beads with your fingers really helps with the focus. If you haven’t used mala beads, there are 108 beads and there is a main, larger bead that joins them together. This is called the guru bead and then it is tied off with a pretty tassel.
I realized that doing this mala bead meditation would be perfect for me because I have so much religious programming running in the background of my mind from all the prayers that I would recite about my unworthiness in my youth. This is something I have been working to undo. I decided to say positive affirmations for each bead. Saying 108 short phrases, prayers, help to undo and unwind what is still playing in my subconscious mind.
Anything you say or think in your conscious mind will move into your subconscious mind. Some of the mantras I say have me letting go of the old beliefs so that I can make room for the new, empowered ones.
Open yourself to trust. Trust that you are being silently guided. Trust that when the time is right, you will receive exactly what you need at that given moment. Trust and be in awe when you notice this happening for you. The universe, our creator, our guides, our inner child, our higher self, they all want to bring us what we need. Trust that you don't need to make it happen. You just have to let it happen. When you allow this, the magic start to happens. Let yourself experience this joy and celebrate it when it happens!
