Spirit always knows before us
I stopped writing my weekly newsletters and have been searching for what I can offer next. I can get frustrated when I don't come up with a definitive answer. I talked to Spirit all the time, my Angels and Guides, asking for them to help me know, and to make it loud and clear, so that I can understand what it should be.
I have over the years learned to not judge myself and to let go of the impatience when I don't hear a response. These are old programmings that don't serve any helpful purpose.
A few days ago, as I was getting dressed, I looked for a necklace to wear. I picked one that I had bought a few years ago and not really worn or given too much thought about over these last few years.
It is a tumbled stone strung on a rope necklace. I liked the colors and pattern and thought it was different.

For no particular reason, I decided to look up to see what kind of stone it was. The green and brown colors and patterning that runs through it identifies this as the rainforest jasper.
When I looked up a little bit more information for this one, I found out that it is only grown and harvested in Australia.
And then the message from Spirit came through loud and clear:
Our Angels and Guides are always with us and helping us on our journey. They know before us what is to come next. And they know well in advance before it actually materializes in our current reality.
I bought this necklace because I usually like to patronize small businesses and help the local economy, but the Angels know me. They nudged me to buy this necklace because they know that I'm always asking for signs. This was their sign that they knew I was going to Australia long before I did. To show how much our Angels and Guides are in tune with us, I visited not one, but two different rainforests while I was there.
The message of this post is to relax and enjoy yourself. The Angels and Guides work with us by working with our Higher Self. They know what we have agreed to when we incarnated on this planet.
We are always being guided, and we are always loved. We do not have to do everything on our own. It is only the ego that thinks it has to be in charge and have all the answers. Trust that you are always being guided on your next step.
I wish you a beautiful holiday season.