Trust and keep your vibration high
It's hard to believe that it is 4 weeks since I've been back from my trip to Australia! I arrived in Australia on a Wednesday and came back on a Thursday, but truthfully it really was equivalent to Friday. Crossing the international date line and all the different time zones had me arrived home on the same day that I left.
Every area in Australia was amazing! Whether I was visiting the coastline, the mountains, the gorges, the rainforests, the desert area of Uluru or the wonder of the man-made structure of the Sydney Opera House, it was all so beautiful.
The respect Aussies show to others, the Earth, and the native aboriginals is exceptional.
I am sure we are aware that we just had a presidential election here in the U.S. that has left many people feeling upset. Reading someone else's post on social media or in a newspaper can definitely lower our own vibrational energy.
My trip to Australia also made me keenly aware of how the rest of the world also follows our elections with some concern.
This email is not about that. It is just something I had to acknowledge. This email is about keeping our vibration high.
I have been connecting very closely with Gaia and have a message from her for you.

Hello my beautiful children,
Yes, you are the children of the Earth, that is why sometimes I am referred to as Mother Earth. As Gaia, I am a celestial being who agreed to take upon the experiment of duality which was desired to be experienced by those living in oneness.
As we have all come to realize, separation can go very deep and bring you into a lot of darkness. My message to you is fear not. Trust in yourself. Trust in all the unseen help you have. I do so appreciate all of the loving energy you and all humans send to me. It does make a tremendous difference.
11/11 has just passed and people were meditating and connecting with the energy. I would like you to know these energies that are coming from the sun, and the star families within our galaxy and beyond are for me and you. While it is true that man should take care of the earth he lives on, do not think you are alone in bringing this support. We are deeply supported.
The gathering of many individuals with the intention of receiving and healing is very powerful but please recognize that the energy happens more than one linear day in your time. It is still happening now.
For now, I am going to send deep love and gratitude to all of you and I ask Karen to share a photo that she took in the area known as the Kata Tjuka and has also been called the Olgas.
This photo is a wave formed and frozen in time. Waves are frequencies and this area holds deep vibrational energies which have now been realigned. Trust that all is well, and that humankind cannot fail no matter what your media tells and shows you.
I will be coming through Karen more to speak to you again but for now I say goodbye and send you more love than you can imagine possible.
Feel this love deeply within your physical vessel.
I now ask Karen to tell you about the photograph she took.
Wow! That message actually just brought tears to my eyes.
There were three separate meditations throughout Australia, all with the Stargate community. The last workshop was at the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park and had about 40 people participating.
Most people who were sightseeing were very respectful of the meditations that we were doing and gave us time to spend in an area sending energy to Gaia.
Here, we did several meditations. There was a reawakening, and a realignment of energies on this Earth. Let yourself move beyond the 3D reality and open to receiving more.
As I leaned my back against the wall of this cave, I heard humming and then also music and singing. It was a beautiful experience, and I was a bit surprised looking around to see who was singing but I realized it was coming from this place of Mother Earth. It was a beautiful confirmation of the energy that we offered was received.
As I looked at this photo after I had taken it, there are some things that I hadn't noticed when I was taking the picture.
If you look at the part of the wave that curves over and down and let your imagination go, you can visualize that it is a profile of a face with lips puckering to kiss the people who walk underneath her.
it is a beautiful representation of Gaia loving us and reminds me of my tulip Tuesday newsletters saying to give yourself a kiss. This photo captures Mother Earth giving us a kiss.
I would also like to talk about the one child that came into this picture. This little girl wanted to be part of our group. She stayed the whole time we were in this location holding energy even though her parents were calling her from a distance to come to them.
For me, the timing is always Divine and having her there with us was quite important to the process. This child helped in the energy work we were doing by being there.
Always trust that everything is happening in Divine timing. It could be something that seems very small and insignificant, but we are being guided and helped. If lower vibrational energies creep into your field, remind yourself how loved and supported you are.
Make some quiet time every day to remind yourself of this and to connect with Mother Earth and fill up with her love.